We have introduced a new J/22, J/35 & J/122 Leading Edge team website. This has a calendar to list all events for which the boat will be scheduled. The crew is able to set their availability for each event. The site displays a calendar post integrated with a crew signup feature. An email notification / reminder for upcoming events is included. The full featured site includes the following:
1. Crew Entry section (Crew Login with an account):
- The Skipper must first add each Crew Member (Name and Email address) in the system to create an account
- Crew Members may update their profile fields to include: Name, email address, mobile phone number, shirt & jacket size, weight, World Sailing (formerly ISAF) Sailor ID, ISAF Class, US Sailing Member Number
2. Regatta Schedule with Crew Availability (Requires member login):
- Crew may login and select a page that provides a regatta matrix for the season (current or a selected calendar year) and set their availability (yes, no, maybe)
- Columns are Regatta Date & Time , Boat Location, Crew Position Assigned, and Crew Member’s Availability
- Rows are chronological and display stored data including the Regatta Name with link to associated calendar entry, Regatta Date & Time, Boat Location for the regatta, Crew Position Assigned and a Crew Member Availability dropdown
3. Regatta Schedule with Crew Assignments (Requires member login):
- Crew may login and select a page that provides a regatta matrix for the season (current calendar year, or select year from dropdown) with entire list of crew positions , crew availability and crew assignments
- The header columns are Event Name, Event Date & Time, Boat Location, Crew Uniform, Event Registration Status, Event Registration, Fees Paid Status and Results (for after the event)
- A subsection for each event lists the following:
Crew Member’s Name, Crew Position Assigned, Crew Member’s Availability (displays as dropdown for the crew member logged in), Beverages & Snacks Assigned - Events are listed chronologically and Crew members are sorted alphabetically with those available listed first. Crew members listed include those who are available or maybe, and have not been assigned a crew position of “Stay Ashore”. The Skipper may elect to have the list display crew who indicated availability as “Not Available”.
4. Regatta Calendar Display: Displays the regatta schedule with selectable view as monthly or agenda type list.
- The default view is a list that may be changed to a monthly view showing the events.
- When a person mouses over a regatta it will pop up the regatta info that includes: Regatta Name, Regatta Date, Dock Time, Boat Location and a text summary excerpt (not the full text which is available by clicking the popup).
- If the event is clicked on, a page opens to display:
- Regatta Name, Regatta Type, Regatta Date, Dock Time, Boat Location, Link for Regatta, Uniform (e.g. White Shirts), Regatta Registration Status, Regatta Registration, Fee Payment Status, and if after the event the Results (formatted as a link if results link available)
- Crew members are listed by rows by Short Name (e.g. Bill, MikeS), Position Assigned, Availability, and Assignments (e.g. beer, snacks)
- Crew Member rows are color coded: Green crew is confirmed. Yellow crew need to verify with Skipper. Red does not crew for event. White crew position assignments not made yet.
- Additional information is included in the text field for each event. This is entered by the Skipper and may include things like after race party, tides, weather, etc.
- The Skipper has a button to “Cancel Event Immediately” in case of inclement weather – sends an immediate email to crew listed for that event.
5. Email Notifications: The system provides the following email notifications.
- Password Changed – Emails Skipper notifying crew member (name) changed their password
- Crew Member Changes Availability – Emails Skipper notifying crew member (name) changed their availability for an event
- An Event is Cancelled – Emails crew members immediately when an event is cancelled and updates the calendar showing it as cancelled
- Event Reminder – Automatically sends reminder of an event 36 hours (or as set by the Skipper) in advance to the crew assigned to that event.
- Crew posts a comment – Automatically sends email to all crew when any crew member posts on the website. Typically this might be post event comments, picture links, etc.
6. Schedule Entry Section (Skipper Admin Access Only): Allows regatta entries with the following information:
- Regatta Name, Regatta type category (One Design, PHRF), Regatta Start Date, Regatta Stop date and if multiple dates selected automatically populates the schedule for multiple or recurring dates), The Start Time (which should be the Dock Time), Location of Boat for Dock Time, Link for Regatta, Uniform field (e.g. White Shirts), Crew Position assignments, Crew Availability updates, Crew Assignments for event (e.g. Brings beer, brings snacks).
- Post regatta fields Result (text field), Link to regatta result and Post Regatta Comment Field where a recap of the event may be added.
7. Crew Assignment to Regattas (Skipper Admin Access Only): Skipper Admin screen that allows assignment of people to regattas with the following options:
- Match a crew member to a position. Defined positions can be from a dropdown to include positions such as: Bow, Mast, Trimmer, Pit, Main, Helm, Squirrel, Snacktician, Tactician, Crew, Guest, etc.
- Text field to indicate selected people responsible for snacks & beverages – can assign to multiple people
8. Skipper Email Crew feature: Skipper menu option to email defined groups or or crew scheduled for particular events:
- Crew Groups selected from a dropdown (e.g. Core Crew, All Crew, Crew scheduled for an event, etc.)
- Send to Group or Individual option allows the message to be sent with all recipients visible (so people may Reply to All) or sent to each person individually
- Subject Field is a text box that defaults to “Skipper’s Message about Regatta Name, Regatta Date” and may be changed to whatever is desired
- Message Content is a formatted text box where the message is typed. The message area includes a toolbar similar to MS Word that permits text formatting. The message is automatically populated with a closing that includes the Skipper’s name and a link to the boat website
9. Reports Available: Various reports are available from the menu based on who is logged in.
No Login Required:
- Regatta Results are listed for each event where the Skipper recorded results. There is a dropdown to select which calendar year to display
Crew Login Required:
- Crew Roster that includes the name, short display name, email address and mobile number for each crew member. The short display name is shown to people not logged in for crew event lists
Skipper Login Required:
- Regatta Weight Report that allows the Skipper to select the year and events for that year from a dropdown. The list provided includes Crew Members scheduled for the event with data stored in the Crew Member’s profile. Weights are displayed and summed at the bottom of the list. The Skipper may setup One Design class weight limits for a check against the maximum allowed weight and whether the Helmsman weight is included. Each Crew Member’s World Sailing Sailor ID is displayed as a link to their World Sailing profile along with declared classification status (Cat 1 Amateur, Cat 3 Professional). A button is included that retrieves the actual classification status from the World Sailing website. Crew Members with a US Sailing member number have a link to their US Sailing account displayed.
- Crew Shirt Size Report that allows the Skipper to list all crew members with associated shirt and jacket sizes to allow easy ordering of swag.
- Crew Position Summary Report that allows the Skipper to display a matrix with all crew members by crew positions assigned. The fields display a count with the number of times a person was scheduled that crew position during a season. The matrix is color coded to easily see the greater and lesser values.
Recent Comments
Safe Harbor Race Schedule
August 8 - 12, 2024
SI’s: https://yachtscoring.com/event_documents/16305/SHRW24_SI_Div1_Final.pdf
Scratch Sheet: https://yachtscoring.com/event_documents/16305/2024_SI_Exhibit_4_On_Water_Emergency_Procedures.pdf:
Waivers: https://yachtscoring.com/event_documents/16305/SHRW_Activity_Waiver_and_Release_2024_Fillable_2024.pdf
Tom, Diana, Tom M, Robert, Steve, Ann, Andrea, Tom J, Patrick, & Jim McBrier
Thurs. Aug 8th: Flights that arrive into PVD we will pick you up at the airport at the latest arrival time which I believe is 1:50 pm.
*1600-1800 Check-in at SHNSY & SHNEB
Captains’ Briefing The Captains’ Briefing is scheduled for Thursday, August 8, at SHNSY, 1 Washington Street, Newport, RI at 5:30pm. Required participants and additional information will be provided in a notice prior to the meeting date.Accommodations; Almondy Inn B & B 25 Pelham St Newport, RI 02840 401-848-7202. There will be spirited beverages and appetizers from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm in parlor & open bar in the Captains Quarters that you can help yourselves to.
Fri. Aug. 9th:
9:00 am : Breakfast in main dining room.
Race Day: 1st start in 1200
1830 Opening Regatta Party at SHNEB
We will leave Inn at 1800
*After Party in Captain’s Quarters. We have a treat “Jamie with Jay”
Sat. Aug 10th:
9:00 am : Breakfast in main dining room.
Race Day: 1st start in 1200
1830 Talk of the Town Crew Party at SHNSY
1800 We leave in & walk to NSY.
*After Party in Captain’s Quarters. We have a treat “Jamie with Jay”
Sun. Aug 11th
9:00 am : Breakfast in main dining room.
Race Day: 1st start in 1200
1730 * Prize-Giving at SHNSY
1700 We will leave & walk to NSY
7:00 pm Dinner in Main Dining Room
*After Party in Captain’s Quarters. We have a treat “Jamie with Jay”
Monday, August 11th:
Looks like some of you are on early flights and we will take you to Airport in PVD in time to make your flights.
All others breakfast in 8:30 - 10:00 am and Check out time is 11:00 am.
Hi Team,
Please sign your waivers ASAP.
NYC Around the Island & Annual Schedule:
Thursday, June 8th
Boat to be moved from mooring 51 to dock at Newport Yachting Center & stripped.
11:30 AM Pick up Tom Meeh, Tom & Deb Johnson, from PVD
Accommodations: Almondy Inn 25 Pelham St Newport, TX 02840
Practice if weather permits.
5:00 p.m. Cocktail Party begins in Captains Quarters. Attire Yacht Club Casual
Please join us promptly to greet our co-team Hamburg who are joining us & competing with Leading Edge for the Rolex and Corinthian Cup trophy for the Regatta.
6:30 pm Dinner in Main Dining Room
8:00 p.m Sunset & Desert in Captains Quarters
Friday, June 9th:
0830: Breakfast in main dining room
0900: Radio call from NYYC
Dinner is own your own. (So please make reservations ) There maybe some left overs from last night dinner.
Sat, June 10th:
0815: Breakfast in main dining room.
Dinner: * We need to be dressed & ready to leave by 5:30 p.m.
NYYC Dinner. Attire: Men to wear provided shirts in your rooms, they are white dress shirt with red trim. Ladies: Yacht Club Casual, Diana will wear something red.
Sunday, June 11th:
0815 Breakfast
Pizza & open bar in the CQ for the Team
Monday, June 12th
8:30 - 10:00 am Breakfast
11:00 am Check out rooms at Almondy Inn
11:00 am Check out of Newport Yachting Center and move boat to Mooring #51
Free Afternoon to enjoy Newport
3:00 p.m. Rum Wagon leaves to take Tom Meeh, Tom & Debbie Johnson & Paul to airport